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Interior Design Mistakes that You Should Avoid

 Interior Design Mistakes You Should Avoid

To create the home that you have always dreamed of, you need not waste your money getting a professional interior designer. You can do it by yourself. All that you need is to know what mistakes to avoid. 

Interior Design Mistakes that You Should Avoid

These savvy tricks of avoiding common mistakes can make a rookie come across as a professional who has experience of many years. The following are some of the mistakes that people make and that you should try as much as possible to avoid.

Hanging Picture Very High On the Walls

 The place where you want to have your artwork or photos to be in our house is totally and completely up to you. The height at which they are hanging on the wall varies for every person depending on how tall they are as well as considering the height of the visitors to the house. Having them too low, will strain their back and they will not even try to have a look at the art displayed. In addition to this, the height at which the artwork is placed and the photos should complement the appearance of the wall either making it shorter or taller

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Not Making Use of Mirrors

Mirrors are for the most part a little bit underrated. Using a mirror while you are designing your rooms will make the rooms though small come across as very large ad spacious. Not having a mirror or even a window in the room tends to give the room a little bit of a boxy feel. So, contact a window installation service to install a window in your room, albeit a small one. You should also not hesitate to put up a mirror, preferably across from a window.


Mirrors using

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Not Having Sufficient Time for the Designing Process

When you are designing, you should try as much as possible to remember that it is not a race to finish. Effective interior designing for homes takes time to plan and organize. Rushing through some of the steps will have you making decisions that are not the best and will have dire consequences. It is, therefore, suggested that you take your time while designing.