Take Advantage of 40 Years of Experience Living Off The Grid and Turn Your Home Into a Self-Sufficient Homestead
Discover the most comprehensive, step-by-step system to transform a regular homeowner or apartment dweller into an independent, self-sufficient homesteader.
Find out all the related subjects in depth such as water, food preservation, off-grid power, medicinal gardens, you name it.
We want to put in your hands helpful how-to illustrations … easy to follow, step-by-step advice … brilliant tips, and ingenious time-savers. From all the projects you’ll find in The Self-Sufficient Backyard, I’m pretty sure you’ll find some that are suitable for your property.
How to get pressurized HOT water with this simple off-the-grid system?
The Handy Beehive - Grab Your Honey Jar Directly From The Hive.
How to make a "Year-Round Self-Sustaining Greenhouse" no matter where you live in America.?
What is the Plant you can grow in tiny indoor spaces year-round for an Extra Income?
The Other 6 Crops That Can Bring an Extra Income to a Small Homestead.
100+ tips to save money that many people are paying needlessly right now.
The "Perpetual Mini-Tower” turns every kitchen scrap you throw out into free and nutritious fertilizer for your plants.